Development of the institute of volunteering in PO “Zamonat”

Development of the institute of volunteering in PO Zamonat

In the days of the Soviet Union, there was a system of personnel distribution, which the older generation still remember with warmth. Young specialists were prepared for internship in the specialty in which they studied, as well as further employment from the state. But unfortunately, it was in the past. Nowadays, young professionals face a problem after receiving a diploma. Things are quite different, and not every company is ready to hire an inexperienced employee who has no work experience or practical professional practice.

PA “Zamonat” within the framework of its social activities made a decision to open a volunteer / intern institute in its organization. Why is the volunteering institute? Because the practice in our institution is voluntary, but on a competitive basis, which will be discussed later. That is, undergraduate students can have an internship at the office of the NGO “Zamonat” Practicing at the institute of volunteering will help students navigate in the future and find themselves in the profession (specialty). For the NGO “Zamonat” it is an excellent opportunity to look after personnel for themselves and their partners in advance and attract valuable young personnel to the company.

By participation in the Institute of Volunteers, the student will have the opportunity to find a starting point in his professional career. There is a common mistake among students – this is a formal attitude to the process of passing the internship, as to another study task. At the NGO “Zamonat” students understand how important a serious approach is during the period of practical training. Thanks to this opportunity, the student can determine where and with whom he wants to work. You may need to get a second education or develop in a completely different direction. Many people, receiving education, work in a place where they do not like, where there is no satisfaction and a sense of pleasure in their work. To get the maximum benefit from the practice, volunteers must have the right attitude and understand that this is a unique opportunity to “test the waters” for future activities, developing themselves as a specialist, being at the very initial level of their career growth.

This institute will help young people develop their skills, which are necessary to provide themselves as a specialist, after graduating from higher education. Having studied the market in this direction and taking into account the specifics of the country, the NGO “Zamonat” focused on the development of students of the Agrarian University. There are very few specialists in the agricultural sector in the country with knowledge of the basics of business, marketing, who can write a business plan, and also act as a business consultant in the agricultural sector. But the NGO “Zamonat” is not limited to the development of specialists in the agricultural sector – it is a special unique product. To participate in the institute of volunteering, everyone who meets the selection criteria is welcome, who are ready to gain new knowledge, improve their communication skills, develop the potential of a business consultant.


Selection to the institute of volunteering is carried out on the basis of a competition. Students of the last years, as well as those young specialists who graduated from the university and are at the beginning of their career, can participate.

In order to attract volunteers / interns, an advertisement was posted on the websites and Presentations were made among students of the Agrarian University of Tajikistan. As part of the development activities of the Institute of Volunteering / Trainee, a memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Agrarian University of Tajikistan. Especially for senior students of this university, a presentation was made about a unique opportunity to gain knowledge and skills during internship at the volunteering institute of the NGO “Zamonat

The selection consists of three stages: questioning, testing and interview.

At the first competition, 25 questionnaires were received, of which 6 people were selected. The training will last 3 months until the end of March 2021. The volunteer participation schedule is flexible, taking into account the time of study at the university. During the training period, our volunteers will undergo more than 12 trainings, which are accompanied by practical tasks and field sessions.

What opportunities does the Volunteering Institute of PA “Zamonat” give a young specialist:

  • to strengthen and improve the theoretical knowledge obtained at the university;
  • learn to use their knowledge in practice, as well as improve skills;
  • directly conduct practice with professionals in their field;
  • gain knowledge about finding a job and improve communication skills with the employer;
  • get the opportunity to communicate directly with an experienced mentor;
  • determine as early as possible that the specialty was chosen incorrectly and does not correspond to its requirements for the profession;
  • orient in the profession and start improving your knowledge for further growth;
  • study the market demand for a particular service, profession in order to understand in which direction it is necessary to develop;
  • to gain experience at the beginning of their professional activity, which is so lacking for young specialists after receiving a diploma, when applying for a job, as well as receive a letter of recommendation from the NGO “Zamonat” for further employment;
  • to achieve the first successes and show abilities in the chosen specialty in front of coaches, consultants and future employers.

The first meeting with the winners was organized to consider the training schedule and determine the opportunity for students to participate in practice / internship without prejudice to the educational process of the university. Our volunteers take part in group assignments, learn how to work in a team, solve various problems and develop their communication and organizational skills. Participation in the volunteer program gives students the motivation to develop creatively and gain new knowledge, to work hard on their potential. According to the volunteers, the institute has a good environment, equal opportunities, pleasure to communicate and have a positive attitude. It is gratifying that volunteers are asking for more trainings, homework assignments, hands-on lessons and meetings. Also, in addition to participating in the school of volunteers, volunteers can use the technical support of the NGO “Zamonat” in writing their thesis or course work, as well as get advice on any issues that have arisen.